Originally Posted by PaulNZ
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by gunzo
Can RIT powdered clothing dye in black be used to darken JB weld, or other grayish epoxies?

Possibly, but may not be very light stable... especially when a little candle soot will give a very nice black, cheaply and easily, while making the epoxy stronger and harder.

Serious question - how do you collect candle soot to add to the epoxy? I've previously used black liquid dye.

Unrelated - one of these days I'm going to resurrect that old 'Photo Milling' thread you helped me with to show some stock building progress. If I ever find time between family, work and chores, that is.

Extremely basic process! Run a lit candle under a piece of metal (steel usually) close enough to impinge on the flames, but not close enough to hit the metal with the wick (it might leave some wax on the metal) until a thin layer has been built. Scrape it off with a knife edge into your epoxy and stir it in...

It takes very little to get epoxy very black.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.