So Ive recently gotten back into sporting clays and am planning some forays north this fall for grouse and pheasant. Ive used an 870 since I was 12, and am wanting to try a New York instead of a Ribeye. I thought I wanted a SxS but the nice ones are out of my budget, shot some O/U’s while shooting sportings clays but not sure they speak to me. Really leaning towards an auto but know next to nothing about them. So if you had to pick one auto to do everything from sporting clays to grouse tangles, to stubble pheasants... what would you choose. I also want something semi-easy to take down and clean, and not picky about shell choice. Lets hear it.

Stuck in airports, Terrorized
Sent to meetings, Hypnotized
Over-exposed, Commercialized
Handle me with Care...
-Traveling Wilbury's