I looked at their web site yesterday.
I called them to get some info and clarify some questions.

I decided I wanted to make my first purchase from them and wanted to
talk to someone with steel product knowledge
--such as what is the reason/difference in some offer and .146" and at .152"

I was told that no sales were taken over the phone and all my questions
should be directed to the web site.
The only specific info I did get was that they "get M4 from a variety of manufacturers".
Not the kind of response I get form the suppliers I currently use.

Doesn't mean I won't use them sometime in the future, but....

"The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
Albert Einstein

At Khe Sanh a sign read "For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the protected never knew".