Received this in my email today in response to my note asking them to vote against the anti-gun bills.

"Thank you for your e-mail regarding SB 5444, SB 5463, SB 5992, SB 6049 and SB 6146. I am adamantly opposed to these bills. I firmly believe the best way to improve gun safety is through education and proper training on the safe handling of firearms by law abiding citizens. Additional gun regulations do nothing to reduce crime, only punish law abiding citizens, and give a false sense of security to those wishing to further restrict our gun rights.

Unfortunately, bills, initiatives, and proposals like these are being perpetrated on law abiding firearms owners across the nation. You may not be aware, but I am a certified firearms safety instructor and became one to encourage firearm safety and training for those who are looking to further their expertise in the safe handling of firearms. Rest assured – I hear you loud and clear – and stand strong right beside you.

Our 2nd Amendment Rights are under attack like never before. We need to remain vigilant.

Yours in service,"