Originally Posted by hillestadj
... You don't need a kiln to dry, air drying produces wood every bit as high quality if done properly. But air drying takes time (months on the low end, years for thicker stuff). If you mess up drying - prepare for a big pile o'[bleep] in the end. ...

Rule of thumb for proper air-drying is 1 year per inch of thickness. So, 3" gunstock blank is a minimum 3 years. The need for a kiln depends on location. For furniture, cabinets, etc that will be used in a heated house, wood needs to be dried to 6% to 7% moisture content to avoid issues. Here in KY, ambient humidity (60-80%) is such that air dry only gets wood down to about 12% moisture content. Have to kiln dry to get down to the final 6% to 7%. Air drying saves kiln time. But does not eliminate the need in many areas.