Originally Posted by hatari
I thought struck me as I was listening to conservative radio talk show host Eric Erickson on the drive home yesterday. He often goes on about people he checks with "inside the White House" and yesterday he was citing 4+ sources claiming that Jared and Ivanka are after General Flynn and exert too much influence on the President.

The thought was "who are these sources and why are they leaking that sort of info". Then the thought occurred to me that EVERYBODY in the media cites such sources. When you jump from from CNN, NYT, Wa Po, MSNBC, and all the talkers on FOX , etc. , etc., what conclusion should we come to?

1.) Everybody that ever sets foot in the White House runs and leaks info
2.) There are only a few leakers that are talking to everybody they can?
3.) These people are making this up?

It disturbs me to consider that there are abundant loose lips in this White House, when there seemed to be none in the Obama or Clinton WH. It took Secret Service guys to write about Hillary throwing lamps and such in the Clinton WH. You never heard squat out of the Obama WH.

So what is it? People can't wait to talk about Trump OR there are moles everywhere that should be purged OR this is all BS made up?

Seriously, I don't think ANY President should have this sort of leaking going on. Not Obama, Not W, Not Bll, and not Trump.

I thought Hot-Shot General Kelly was theee man to put a stop to this?

If he is that man, then you have your answer, It is ALL BS.

If he is NOT that man, then he needs to be replaced.

Last edited by steve4102; 02/13/18.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a forty ounce malt liquor, a crack pipe, an Obama phone, free health insurance. and some Air Jordan's and he votes Democrat for a lifetime.