Originally Posted by saddlesore
I have a 98& 1/2. 150K on it. I have put three injection pumps on it.The first failed because of the poor lift pump.Can't blame the injection pump for that.The 2nd one failed because the FASS system failed, so partial blame goes to the injector pump because it was a rebuild. Still on the third one which was new . Knock on wood.

I would say $4000-$6000, leaning towards the high end because the front ends on those Dodges sucks, but it has been replaced.Brakes were next problem and those are new ,so a new owner would get $15-20 K miles out of them. 1Ton adds to it in value, but 2 WD subtracts.Dump would not be an attraction to most. So I am going to say $5000


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