I have a cabin pretty far off the beaten path in Montana and I went out there for the first time in winter last month. I promptly got my truck stuck when the snow got deep and the trail got steep. I now know that the way to the cabin in the winter is via snow machine or on foot (snowshoe, which is how I made it the three miles from my stuck truck).

I don't know a thing about snow machines other than I've ridden them a few times. But I definitely need to buy one for future winters, especially since I plan to go to the cabin for hunting seasons and there's snow on the ground then.

This is a pure utility purchase...I don't care about going fast or racing the thing. I want it to be reliable, efficient and capable of pulling something about the weight of a field dressed bull elk. The snow can be pretty deep and ungroomed and the trail is basically a ranch/logging road that can get steep.

Anyone have favorite brands or models or, barring that, anything to definitely avoid?

Alternatively, can a UTV/ATV be set up with the right tires/chains for snow use? I don't want to try to convert one to tracked, but if they can be made to work ok in snow that may be powdery and a few feet deep (up fairly steep trails with very little other traffic), I'd seriously consider it.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.