I just wanted a tripod that could do double duty as the base plate like labrabdar (albeit with a much better ball head) for prone shooting and a standard tripod for bench work and/or sitting or standing. I also herd they can be fragile so I got a hard sided waterproof case for mine that holds the unit itself and the battery pack with pluck and pull foam to keep it protected while stored. Sucks the unit is apparently so fragile but if I can avoid breaking one then that would be great.....of course this is coming from a guy that broke 2 magneto speeds (control wheel on the gen1 unit bent and finally broke off).

After 100 or so rounds with multiple rifles being shot back to back it is nice to just setup the next rifle behind the chronograph while the next barrel cools and such and I don't miss the POI shifts either. Neither is perfect but thus far I am really liking the Labradar over my magento speeds.