Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by sportingspecialist
I always thought that GW was an OK guy.He remained silent during Obama's reign of terror and took no action while his cousin and his Muslim,Communist and homosexual buddies tried to destroy every facet of this nation.All of a sudden GW has been heard,on numerous occasions,criticizing Trump.He has that first amendment right but by doing so he's outed himself as an elitist,globalist and deceiver.

His wife was a disappointment when she claimed,as a Christian,that homosexuals should be allowed to marry.She apparently has some idiotic and maybe romantic idea about homosexuality.The truth about sodomy,that is,a man ramming his penis into another mans ass-hole apparently escapes her.

Then I witnessed the two Bush daughters hosting a fundraiser for Planned Parenthood.This truly solidified my suspicions that the Bushs had bamboozled millions of Americans including my wife and myself.

Now it comes to light that Bush senior voted for Hillary Clinton.

Are there any decent politicians left or are they all masters of deceit like the Bush family?

I've had occasion to meet and talk with Bushes. Certainly not in depth, but enough to get a sense of who they are. GHWB wants to be a "fair" person. He wants to be fair to everyone and fair to every side. He wants to see the good and the best in people. I got that same sense from meeting Jimmy Carter. I think W sees himself as the same. They don't especially welcome controversy, and strive to be ladies and gentlemen the best they are able. I get the sense that Barbara is the fighter in group. Barbara is the one who will take a hard stance and fight for it. Barbara is less concerned with being universally liked and accept and more concerned with being "right". She should have been President on that talent alone, and not husband or son, but I digress.

The Bushes acquiesced to cultural pressure. They want to be seen as "reasonable people. On a personal level, I found them very gracious and accommodating. On a political level, give me Reagan.

I got that read on Barbara. During W's presidency, I often wished I could be in the Elder Bush kitchen to hear her response to the lies being told about her son.
I love those old women like her. Proper ladies, but if you cross their family, they become demons.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!