Originally Posted by K1500
Well, I'm glad you are happy with your trucks. They do all break and some break in their own special ways. Truck brands are almost as bad as politics sometimes. I have two Chevy HD's right now, so plenty of mud could be slung my way. I don't think a 20% failure rate is particularly good, but you do seem to have a lot of miles on them, and are happy with them can't argue with that. Heck, the TACO guys seem happy even if their frame rusts completely through!

I think Ram's have a spotty rep for transmissions but then again, I have never owned one. The two in my immediate family both required new transmissions, one under 50k. That is what I base my very limited experience on.

On this forum alone, it's evident that Dodge and Ram don't have a monopoly on transmission issues. Here's a pretty recent link that bears this out, one in which you participated.


It's also plain to see that you have a chubby for Ram products anyhow, not sure why, and not causing me any loss of sleep, but it does explain some of the comments.

Your quote from one of the other threads on fuel economy:

"You want to hear fantastic, phenomenal, of of this world stories about mileage? Just ask any Ram owner with a Cummins. They will make some of the guys on this thread look like pikers. They must take them all in the back and offer to pay them every time they tell a MPG story. They won't stop telling you how good they get."

Not a call out thread, just an observation.

To anger a conservative, lie to him. To annoy a liberal, tell him the truth.

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