No experience with the 317, but when the stainless 63 came out I looked at it with the thought of trading off my blued steel 34, but I'm glad that I didn't. The 34 was the same gun as the 63 only blued steel and mine was really smooth compared to the new 63 that I handled. If you don't need stainless and not many of us do, an old pre-lock 34 is a terrific alternative. A friend of mine just bought a 617 (that is the stainless K-22) and I told him that I had the blued 17 and traded it for that 34. He thought his gun was about 20 ounces and then we looked it up and it is double that. 40 plus ounces might be fine for a .38 Special, but I thought it was too heavy for a.22 trail gun.

My other auto is a .45

The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory