Agree with most of what you have listed except:

1. "If you want to change that, the Constitution provides an orderly way to do it." There's nothing in the Constitution that says the government can abolish or modify any of the natural rights listed in the Bill of Rights.

3. "For the most part, a US citizen cannot possess the standard rifles issued to our military." They should be able to.

5. " Also, the firearms covered by the Second Amendment are those firearms commonly held for legal purposes, which are not excessively dangerous (machine guns, artillery, anti-tank weapons)." That's not in the Second Amendment. You left out many excessively dangerous weapons like ground-to-air missiles, hand grenades and mortars citizens would need in wartime.

7. "The United States is not a particularly dangerous country, despite what you hear in the press. If you look at the actual numbers, we’re very much in the middle." If you removed all the crimes committed in our large liberal run cities and states from the crime statistics I believe the USA would be at least in the top 5 safest countries in the world, maybe the safest.

8. "The best evidence we have says that people with concealed carry permits are more reliably law abiding than police officers, and at least equal in firearms skill." What evidence? I know there are a few bad cops but I've never known one.

It's still a pretty good list but you just can't convince a liberal that the Second Amendment is a good thing or even a natural right.

Last edited by victoro; 03/19/18.