A decade or more ago I did a test on standard velocity Aguila from the same production run five different ways and decided that although sorting and subsorting did improve consistency, reducing fliers, it was excessively time consuming and the results weren't any better than those I was getting with the lower prices ammo from Eley, RWS, and SK.

I decided that for me, .22 LR ammo falls into 3 groups; plinking, accurate, and match grade.

I don't differentiate between brands of plinking ammo. I consider accurate ammo to start with Eley Target, RWS Target Rifle, and SK Standard Plus. I consider match grade to start with Eley Edge, Lapua Midas, and RWS Rifle Match. I shoot a lot of RWS Target Rifle and SK Rifle Match when I'm working with a new to me rifle in .22 LR because they are good enough to give me a clear idea what a particular rifle might be capable of. I also use .22 LR ammo from the "accurate" group to warm up with when I go to the range. If I warm up with an accurate rifle and ammo combo and am not shooting particularly well that day, I pack it up and head home rather than waste more expensive CF ammo.

For the record, I'm not recommending that anyone adopt my process.