The biggest problem NRA has is the "free riders." I can't tell you the number of polls where the "NRA members" that get called are like three to five times the actual proportion of members in the population. Either these people are liars, or they feel guilty about owning guns but not anteing up to support the right.
So it's left to the members to pull the wagon with everyone aboard. Gets old.
People need to realize that there's always someone who wants to take away the things you value. Theft. A right is something of enormous value, yet so few of us will sacrifice or even make the minimal contribution of dues....the magazines aren't THAT terrible, in fact, they aren't giant ads like so many of the specialty gun rags.
As for LaPierre and Cox.....just imagine every time you leave the office and go to an interview, the press hack has DREAMS of tripping you up, making you say the wrong word, of scoring that Pulitzer or promotion for being the brave journalist who "took down" the NRA. Kind of hard to smile when that's your JOB. Part of the reason Dana Loesch is out there, it's not easy to flog a woman in the "me Too" era, or Colion Noir when it's black lives that matter. But that's the game, and there's only a few who can play it and SURVIVE, much less get the message across.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.