Originally Posted by JamesJr
There is no telling how much time and money I've spent on mine, and it still looks like crap. I've tried overseeding it in the fall, and spring, and letting a freeze and rain or snow work the seed it, something that it will sometimes do. I've rented a 6 foot no till drill and used that, worked one time, didn't the other. I've took a plugger, and ran it over the yard several times, seeded, then ran the plugger back over, and the rolled it. I've ended up with good stands of grass, then had drought kill the grass.

The best job I've seen anyone do in redoing a lawn was when they sprayed the yard with Roundup, killed everything, then worked it up and reseeded it. Also, if you really want grass instead of a mixture of grass and weeds, you need to spray the weeds every spring, and fertilize and lime regularly.

Be sure and use grass seed that is specifically for a lawn. I'm cheap, I use Kentucky 31 fescue, and although it's marketed as lawn seed, it's really a poor choice, as it is actually a cool season grass, and is prone to dying in the heat and dry weather.

I do have access to a plugger. About 10 yrs ago my wife came home from a friends hose with a square foot of zoysia. I put it in the front yard just to see what it would do. It is now about 10ft in diameter. In about 30 yrs, I might have a great stand of zoysia.