Originally Posted by JMR40
I've seen most of that info posted before. But I've lost count of the number of times people here and on other conservative oriented forums have gotten all up in arms complaining about "zero tolerance" rules.

it has been reported
to have included assault, threats and bringing
bullets to school on one occasion.

Over the years I've seen multiple posts here defending some poor kid who was suspended for simply forgetting that he had bullets in his jacket pocket, or if he had made a gun gesture with his hand at school. Making the gun gesture with your hand was probably an innocent thing when most of us were in school, but in 2018 it is a non-verbal threat warning someone that they need to keep their mouth shut.

When these kids get in trouble at school for seemingly minor things the kids, parents and their friends can say anything they want to the press regardless of how true it is and it won't be challenged. With juveniles the school and LE officials simply can't provide any details and we never know the "rest of the story"

I'd bet money that if Cruz had been suspended from school a year ago and it made it into the news there would have been people here defending him claiming that "common sense" had gone out the window in favor of "zero tolerance".

While I don't agree with the way Broward County handled the situation. It does appear they chose not to follow through on "zero tolerance" rules. Keep that in mind the next time you read about some kid getting in trouble at school for something that you think is minor. You don't know the whole story, and never will.

Common sense used to be common with an occasional odd ball just not getting it. Now many don't get it. Somehow you got yourself in with them, you know, the ones who blame conservatives for retaining common sense.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.