I'll shoot just about any varmint that comes around when I'm properly armed and in shootable territory. However, the worst varmint I ever killed was a badger. We were bird hunting and this nasty badger was out in a field hissing and generally making a nuisance of himself. Made such a spectacle of himself, the birds wouldn't even come in to roost. He got uppity and started coming my way so I gave him a shot of birdshot and he just started coming faster, so gave in another couple shots of birdshot while jumping up on my truck bumper so he couldn't get to me. Finally dropped him at about 5 feet from me.
Tried to skin him down at a creek close by, but the smell about made me puke so he got left for some other vermin to take advantage of..... damned nasty critters those darned things....

Been charged by a couple Porcupines also, but that is another story. Also, posted a long story a long time ago about being attacked by a wounded coyote. May have to dig that out again.....


Never underestimate your ability to overestimate your ability.