Saw this the other day....and loved the work put into it....not sure who "jazzed it up"...

Model 24 .22LR/.410 no serial number...has Griffin an Howe side mount which holds a Lyman Alaskan scope...Butt Plate I dont think is factory as it is checkered Steel with a small V extension over the top ....and a matching Steel grip cap...along with scroll engraving on bottom of trigger mount to barrel...early model with barrel selector on side

i havent found another like it online.... which leads me to believe a shop...(Griffin an Howe?)....changed out when you look at the forend....its flush with the bottom of frame...not bulked out like you normally see...along with the other enhancements....butt grip cap and trigger guard....and possibly butt stock

after i pick it up next week will look for DOM letters...and take better pics
Thanks for any help/input
link to pics

"When it's over I want to hit the ground like a spent shell"