That sounds exciting! I'll have to look up his website.

I have a 19' Grumman and a 21" Scott Hudson Bay. I'll be heading out with the HB soon for a 300 mile run.
I use a 20HP 4 stroke on this one and a 10HP on the Grumman. My buddy runs a 24HP surface drive on his HB
as he runs our shallow glacier fed rivers whereas I run the larger rivers and lakes.

Many folks have a tendency to over-power canoe hulls. My 20HP does 14mph at half throttle and 16 mph at full throttle.
If the bow is creating much of a wake, you are running too much power to be efficient.

Last year we did 500 miles down Teslin and and Yukon Rivers with the 20HP Suzuki on the 21' HB and with mild throttle
going with the current [6-7 mph current] we averaged 1.5 gallons/day for 9 days. Our load was about 1,000 pounds in a canoe rated
for 2,000 pounds.

Good luck with your new canoe!