Originally Posted by DonFischer
Originally Posted by TexasWicked1
Originally Posted by DonFischer
Let me ask you a question. Do you actually try to time a shot like that or use machine gun mode?


I use a Nikon D810 and this this subject and many like her in the dance company that I photograph, I will do two things.
First, I will ask them to do what they are going to do so I can preview it. What kind of timing do I need?
Then I will switch from Aperture priority to Shutter priority. Commonly I am at 1000th of a sec or faster in order to prevent ghosting in my image.
Then, I'll shoot on CH (continuous high)speed mode which is five (RAW) frames per second, without the extended battery pack. Then the re-evaluate the shot in the preview and delete the ones that are leading up to and following the one that I wanted.

Originally Posted by DonFischer
I also up ISO to where I can use a min 250 sec and a wide open lens. I don't time nothing, I just get what come's out.

Depending on how well your camera handles high ISO, you can definitely increase the ISO to help increase your the amount of light of the image. Although you want to me careful, because it can often times lead to noisy images.

Originally Posted by DonFischer
I have heard from guy's that claim they do running shot's of animals and time their shot. Can't see how they do that, time goes by to fast and a nano sec changes every thing.

I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm sure that thousands of people do that. While, I personally do not think it is wise to shoot that way, everyone's shooting style is different. Photography is a lot like golf. While there are rules, or guidelines really, like composition, rule of thirds, lighting, ect...
You can bend or manipulate them to achieve any creative goal that you have. Again, like golf, there are many different clubs (tools) and styles to play the game and several things can be tweaked here and there to benefit your style. However it is a two way street there are things that will hinder you too. Thank God for digital now, in order to preview your exposure immediately and if needed adjust your composition and shoot again.

Thanks for that. I've heard a couple different people say I need to time my shot's rather than CH. I guess I could but I wouldn't have a clue what I'd get!

I'd be suspect of doing that. At least shooting on CH, you would see through the view finder a segmented preview of your shots. Then review and delete the undesired pictures. That's is one of my favorite features regarding digital. I don't have to wait on film, which would be costly.