I updated mine on Saturday morning (as I was planning on chronographing a load anyway). The firmware update was pretty simple to do and I was able to connect my phone to my LR easily enough. It works pretty slick in the limited testing I did. You can change the unit settings on the LR from your phone, or you can have your phone display different units from your LR. Have your LR display meters, m/s, grams, and joules while your phone displays yards, fps, grains, and ft*lbs, etc... You can view previous shot strings and even arm and disarm the radar right from your phone. I like it!

Of course, when I got to the range I realized I'd left the tripod home so the actual live testing of it was a no-go. smirk

There is a video here if you want visual instructions on how to update the firmware.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man's Fear