I sure do like my World's Finest Trimmer(s). Neck sizing and minimally bumping the shoulders as needed keeps case stretching and the need for trimming down to a minimum, but like a colonoscopy, there comes a time when you need to get it done no matter what.

Set it with an untrimmed case, check it with calipers and use those to adjust it the necessary amount and chuck it up in a drill. Zip zap, about 3-4 seconds per case and a little over 5 minutes and 100 cases later you're done. All cases trimmed to about .001" tolerance.

Have owned a motorized Lyman trimmer since the mid-80's and it's still useful for the one-off types of cases that don't really warrant a separate trimmer, but for the '06/.223/.308 based cases where I have at least 2-4 members of each family that WFT is the cat's meow.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!