Very nice lechwe!

It's always a little odd to me, however, to see them in dry country. Got lucky 15 years ago and hunted the Okavango Delta, their native habitat. Spent a couple days wandering around swamps after lechwe, sometimes in water up to the bottom of my ribcage, before getting one. (Actually, once went much deeper than my ribs, due to stepping in a submerged elephant track....)

There are places where you don't have to walk far for buffalo, especially ranch hunts in RSA. As to whether leopard or buffalo will scare you more, it depends on the circumstances. As many PH's have noted (including the one I've hunted with most, the now-retired Kevin Thomas), the most scary of Africa's dangerous game is whichever came closest to "getting" the hunter in question. Personally, I've been scared most by a cow elephant I wasn't even hunting--and I once helped follow up a leopard after dark, that had been wounded by somebody else. That was pretty scary, but not like a serious elephant charge....

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck