the water in the Chatanika goes from muddy to clear depending upon how much rain and how recent we've had the rain.

Murphy Creek, has tannic acid or whatever it is that colors the water in it, but again depending upon water volume how brown or clear it appears.

All the pike we've taken from there have been toothsome.

Pike out of Lake Minchimuna were good eating too.

but the best I've had was from streams that connect the Ashiak (sp? ) lake chains in Canada. Right before that trip my dad had sent me a box of homegrown tomatoes from MO, I sent him sheep meat in return.

fresh caught Pike outa clear streams, fried potatoes and onions, fresh sliced maters mmmmmm, fit for a king, and even this joker got in on some of that good eating.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.