Originally Posted by WyoCoyoteHunter
While in Billings I saw a soft hackle rod by Cabela's.. It was an 11 foot rod with a very soft action.. But I could not see a line wt on the rod.. Anyone know anything about these rods... Maybe the wt was there and I didn't see it...

I don't know the rod, but it could very well be a wet fly/soft hackle rod. IIRC Davy Wotton likes a 11' 4 weight for his traditional wet fly mode of fly fishing. He's put out a couple of videos on the topic. Kind of interesting. Maybe it's gained traction in the market, and Cabelas decided to see if they could cash in on it?

At any rate, check out the Wotton video "Wet Fly Ways". Even if you don't go down that particular rabbit hole all the way, there's still good information there.