Jim, I have been out of trap shooting a long time.. Went at it today.. I have an 870 trap and 870 field.. My last round with the field I got a 24.. Although these are both 12's for what you are looking for, I think the 870 20 would be fun.. Since your just looking to break a few clays and maybe hunt some birds, and 870 20-3" would be excellent... When my first wife was alive, I eventually bought 2 870 20's... She was forever forgetting her ammo, so I bought a second 20 and than made sure we had ammo for the hunt.. When she passed, I went back to the 12's because I had more ammo for them and loading supplies.. I am again leaning to the 20 as age makes a lighter gun more appealing.. I have shot some trap with the 20 and I could never quite match my score with the 12.. Maybe I didn't try hard enough, but the 870 20's are fine arms.. I bought these new around 2005...

Molon Labe