Originally Posted by Mountain10mm
You've been watching way to many Primos videos. Calling during bow season can be done, but must be minimal at best. During rifle season, forget it! Not in Colorado where there are 5 other hunters within earshot. Elk are already on def-con 5 alert during gun seasons, any call at all says, "hello elk, there's a human right over here." During rifle seasons it's about predicting where the elk will be, calling them too you was 6 weeks prior.

It’s obvious from a few of your elk posts and video that you’re pissed about your lack of success the last few years...CO seems like a tough elk hunting state between luck of drawing a good unit, to the weather and hunting pressure screwing up a well thought out hunt strategy. Yeah, that schit happens to all of us all over the country...It’s called hunting. Some are just better at doing it than others.

The OP isn’t hunting in Colorado. He’s in Alberta....You care to explain how he should hunt elk in Canada? You’re doing so well in your home state...Park your attitude, especially on a new guy who asked “Can Cows Be Called” 😎

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”