I have a number of Browning firearms with the Dura-Touch finish on stocks. i like the feel and performance of the Dura-Touch a great deal. i recently discovered that one of them that i haven't had out in quite a while felt quite sticky. i took packing tape and wrapped it around my hand backwards (sticky side out) and repeatedly stuck it to the stock and pulled it off somewhat like a lint roller. that seemed to help a bit to get off some of the sticky feel. still wasn't satisfied, so a took some Canola vegetable oil and rubbed a very small amount into the Dura-Touch at one spot as a test, then wiped it off real well with a clean lint free cloth so i wouldn't get fuzzy lint on stock. seemed to work ... almost seemed to "restore" the original feel. so i ended up doing it to the whole stock. took less than 5 minutes. so far feels pretty much like new. who knows what it will feel like in time, but cheap and simple for now. we shall see.