I had a 1968 and 1974 IH Scouts back in the day. But I don't think they've made one in nearly 40 years. Never many period. They had their strong points, but I wouldn't go back. Restoring one and keeping it running would be a challenge. So much so that you'd be afraid to take it off road.

I've had several Wranglers over the years and taking the top off never really did anything for me. But the doors stayed off mine for half the year. You get just as much wind but still ride in the shade and have some protection if caught in a rain shower.

If looking for something cheap that is very capable off road I'm seeing a lot of guys building older Jeep Cherokee's and leaving the doors off of them. Even seen a few older Grand Cherokees done that way.

Most people don't really want the truth.

They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.