Decent movie, nice scenery, but the story wasn’t told well in that I don’t think they showed any adequate reason why a man with 20+ years of violent racial hatred behind him suddenly changes his mind 180 degrees. Same could be said of Mrs. Quaid; her entire family is brutally murdered in front of her which completely unhinges her mind but a few days later she’s all friendly and offering comfort to the Indians. The acting was very good but there never was any real catharsis to justify Capt. Blocker’s change of heart which is the whole point of the movie.

Thank goodness for closed captions, otherwise I’d never have understood half of that mumbled, low toned dialogue.

I will say that the scene with Blocker and Cpl. Woodson in the infirmary was excellent, two stoic men bound by years of shared danger expressing their mutual respect and admiration and knowing that they won’t see each other again.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!