All three of the calls in the package are designed from the ground up as predator calls. We use the same bodies for building Elk,Deer, and Moose Calls as well... but they were originally designed for calling coyotes.

The PeeWee is used to create most of your smaller distress sounds: birds, cottontails, rodents, fawn bleats, etc. It also makes great pup sounds like barks/howls, whines, and Ki-Yis (injured pup sounds.

The Standard makes about every sound in the book, it’s the original open-reed call, and does it all. It’s best for larger distress sounds: jackrabbits, fawns, cubs, etc. it also makes some great coyote sounds... it just doesn’t project the kind of sound that the Song Dog does.

The Song Dog was built to make coyote sounds.... all of them. It has a larger air channel than the standard, as well as some extensions for added volume and tone manipulation. It’s the best call we make for “Coyote Talk”.... but it makes great rhaspy distress sounds too.... I know a guy (not saying who) that won the World Championships with that call.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you want more info.

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......