
I used to "look down my nose" at "high fence" until I was stationed in a State east of The Mississippi & was offered a 4-day "High Fence Hunt for one Axix deer or Blackbuck" for 500.oo at a charity event.
(Yep, I had the cash to pay for the hunt in my pocket but my "self-talk" said, "This isn't hunting. It will be like shooting a milk cow in a farmer's pasture." )
Another man at the event said, "OK." & wrote the charity a check.

Several weeks went by & I then heard that the "farmer's pasture" was >400 acres of woods/creeks/river bottom AND that a total of 14 hunters had hunted that property & other than a number of "free for the taking" feral hogs, NOBODY had shot any big game.
NOBODY over the >45 day period had even SEEN any of the over 100 Axis or over 75 Blackbuck that are within the fence.
(One of the Axis was reportedly carrying a >40" rack. - As far as the property owner knows, "Big Un" is still inside the fence. - He doesn't come to the feeders, as far as the property owner or manager knows day or night.)

OBVIOUSLY, there is more than ONE sort of "high fence hunting" & at least at that property, some are quite challenging!!

yours, tex


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836