Well, it comes down to where you can make a reasonable living, Having lived and worked in Alaska, my busy time was also fall hunting time. It's expensive and I had access to aircraft since I fly for a living. Where I live in CT, we got plenty of deer and turkeys to shoot, the problem here is well crowds on public land, the state lands get hit hard. Private Property is well hard to to get access at times. I have huntable land, but it's not cheap by any means. Montana, Idaho Wyoming would be my picks but being able to make a living comes first without money, you are not going to be doing much hunting no matter how good it is. That is a fact of the matter. I myself would like nothing better than to pack up and find a spot in the North West Corner of Montana, the problem is finding work that pays well enough to support oneself that will give you the time to well hunt and fish. As a pilot, I could maybe get a job flying for one of the FEDEX feeders when they hire, still, I would end up living in Billings like I did when I few bank paper in the 1980's no time to do anything other than fly and sleep and rest up over the weekend. As it was there was never enough money left over to do much running around when the weekend came anyway.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov