Need the right tool for the right job. Close-ups on deer are probably not the GoPro's strong suit unless you're still hunting and bumping bedded deer. If I could remember to keep it turned on, I would have a lot of cool footage. Battery life and memory demand judicious use of the available capacity.

With that said I had a hat mounted GoPro without realizing I had it running (turned off the audible and visible prompts which sometimes leads to that). Returned home to find that I had footage of two, ~240 yd cross gulch shots. At 1080p, I was able to see one of the deer tumble down the side of the gulch. Zooming in (with video editing software) revealed more deer that were captured. All this in poor light. Left me very impressed with what resolution a GoPro is capable of.

Last edited by ChrisF; 10/31/18.