To the OP’s question:

It really depends what you want the rifle to do. Looking for a pre’64 FWT 308 may take some time and money, but if replacing the one you sold is your aim, it’s worth the effort.

I stupidly sold 2 p-64s, a 358 FWT and a straight comb 300H&H between 10-12 years ago. It’s only in tne past 2 years that I was able to find replacements - with help from my friends - for each, in the condition I wanted. I’m happy with my choice.

On the other hand, I wanted a 264 Win Mag badly to be my plains rifle and found an early, unfired SS Extreme Weather Classic. This EW SS Classic is a much better replacement for my purpose, than replacing my old P-64 MC P-64 Westerner with an original.

The Classics from the ‘90s have worked well for me as huntiing rifles. One last point, I have a 6.5 Gibbs built on a PF early ‘80s USRAC XTR FWT - originally a 257R - with a 26¨SS barrel and the original factory free-floated wood stock, which is one of my most accurate rifles.

So, IMHO what you buy should depend on what you are looking for. The rest of us have our opinions, but figuring out what you want from the rifle needs to be your task. At least, if you want to be happy with your choice.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty of give me death! P. Henry

Deus vult!

Rhodesians all now