Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
If I start missing I get nervous about and start really aiming,so I miss even more. I do much better when I don't consciously aim at all.

I think this might be what’s really starting to hurt me. Usually I don’t get a long time to watch the bird but as soon as I see it it’s like time slows down as you probably know, and with how much I’ve been missing I think I’m consciously trying to measure out my lead.

Originally Posted by Sasha_and_Abby
Drop down to a Skeet I or an Imp Cyl and your bad will get heavier if your not shooting over 35 yards.

I’ll give it a shot, I didn’t start bird hunting a lot until last year. I know a lot of people recommend Mod for waterfowl but I wasn’t sure what kind of ranges you’re looking at for each choke. Most of my shots are at passing woodies and as long as I stay tucked into cover I can usually get pretty close shots but I have to fire fast.