
You need to start paying attention.

Maryland Matt cooked his own goose and there was no false flag about his position on transfer of federal lands. He made many a public statement that he was in favor of transferring federal lands. It wasn't until he realized he stepped on his johnson regarding that issue, that he had a moment of clarity and "changed" his mind. Trouble is, if you're going to claim you aren't for the transfer, then have Mike Lee come campaign for you at the 11th hour, you shouldn't be surprised that Sportsmen/women are NOT going to vote for you. Mike Lee is the last person on planet earth you want campaigning for you if you're claiming to care about public lands, public access, hunting, fishing or outdoor recreation.

Then of course the fact that Rosendale fought every proposal to increase access for sportsmen when on the land board. That isn't goin to help you any either.

He got exactly what he deserved and earned.

Finally, its nice to see that these assclown politicians are going to have start listening to public land advocates, hunters, fishermen, mountain bikers, hikers, birdwatchers, etc. etc. We want our public lands and we aren't going to sell out to a bunch of snake oil salesmen trying to hand them over to private interests.

If I were a politician in a Western State...I'd start paying the "f" attention to what happened in Montana.