Oh, pshaw. Gene is the ruling techno guru. Many other guys here rock their areas of expertise.* All in all I would say we have a collective pool of knowledge here on this forum that rivals any on the internet devoted to single make guns.

One thing we need more of here though is bacon. And whiskey. And women, definitely women. smile

* For example, where would we be without Lightfoot's parts acumen and ingenious scope mounts, Both Rick's paper trails, Fug/Plab/CMHJohn/Loggah/LBK's pure collecting sensibilities, Roy and Jeff's explorations of the possibilities inherent in the 99 design, Calhoun's cohesiveness, and David's putting it all into context on paper. You get the idea- I could go on ad infinitum, and my apologies to anybody not named directly. Everybody brings something to the party, it's probably why we have survived as a group for so many years.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty