Lots of great answers. I will echo some of them.
Yes, an engagement ring for a lovely young lady in 1982.
Also a new 1982 Toyota 2WD pickup w/ the 3/4 ton spring pack along with the 76 Honda XL 350. My oh my, the places we went with 4 dirt bikes in the back, and the times we had on those bikes.
The 20 acres of ground which my house sits upon, and it pastures the horses and beef.
A Ford 8N just like Bristoe's which kept a mile of access road graded and cleared of snow, and the fields plowed, disced, planted, and corrugated for the last thirty years.
My first horse, a gorgeous black quarter horse mare. With the easiest gait of anything I have ever rode.
More modern times? There is the model 70 classic in 264 right after the classic came out.
Oh, more modern than that. A little 16 foot Lund with a 20 hp Merc, for fishin' with the grandkids.
A 2004 Suzuki Vinson 500 4x4 ATV. It gets started almost every day, and it spends all winter with a little 4x8 trailer on it which I use to feed hay to the livestock.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.