Reclaimed is the way to go, chilled shot is only a couple dollars a bag cheaper than magnum. Everything done to make magnum shot is done to make chilled with the only difference being a bit of antimony.

The last reclaimed shot I bought was Metro Gun Club- the same place mentioned above as being Winchester. It was once called Metro/Winchester but that was a few decades ago. A gallon milk jug of shot went for $30 when it was mined several years ago. The price of the shot can vary depending on the amount recovered, the difficulty mining it, the ease of screening out debris, the going rats of lead, the split between miner and club, and distance traveled.

I've shot a lot of reclaimed shot but not as much as I wished. It seems clubs wait to do their mining after I spend my allotments funds for shot. I still have a 20 some qt tub of shells loaded with reclaimed to shoot up. I'll use them for league shooting of all types as well as local registered competition.