Given your 'druthers, what would an ideal broadhead for killing deer be and why?

For me:

I would first have a steel ferrule. Aluminum just is not strong enough to stand up to a heavy arrow and the power of a crossbow.

Second, four blades, or at least three with a very large cut. Something like the 2.3 inch Rages, only a minimum of three blades or better yet four blades.

Third, the blades would be a minimum of.040 inch thickness so as to better handle bone.

Weight could be up to 150 grains, but not more. If we can get almost sturdy enough blades and ferrules and near that much total cut at 100 grains We should be able to manage what I want at 150 or less.

Once an arrow pushes it's head through the off side hide it has done it's work and almost nothing more can be gained, so spending the energy it carries cutting with a big head makes sense. I suppose titanium would be strong enough for the ferrule. Aluminum definitely is not, hitting even ribs can bend them and leg bones PROBABLY will bend the ferrul at the least.