Originally Posted by ingwe
I would MUCH rather hunt-and eat- Axis than whitetail.

Fallow are kinda bland in comparison, and don't seem very bright.

Sika is on my "to do" list cause I hear they taste good...

So is red deer....

This past two years, I have taken Fallow doe for meat. If they have been hunted hard, they are skittish as can be, actually turns into a challenging hunt. Buck Fallow, IMO, are a bit more flavorful, but not as tender as the does.
Red Deer hind and Nilgai are top table fare, for sure.

As to Sika- I shot a really big, older Sika buck this fall, just couldn't resist hunting for him because of that big rack- meat is tasty, but tough! Makes great jerky, however, and the burger is just fine.
Here's a pic of the big guy.....
[Linked Image]

I'd rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave....