It's my understanding the snipers are doing their thing about 10 miles away, on game lands.
With plans to do it all over this area.
Our local numbers have been seriously reduced in the last 20 years.
Now, PGC has decided the way to save the deer from CWD is to kill them.
Paid "sharpshooters" are whacking them over bait piles.

The hypocrisy is enormous. For several years putting any feed out for deer
has been illegal, on the theory that it spreads CWD. Now, they do it.
Hunting over bait, shooting after hours, not tagging, killing too many deer.
They were hunting poachers like dogs a month ago. Now, they are trying to eliminate
the deer. Why not just let hunters do it?

They are asking permission to kill on private property.
Rumor has it a farmer gave permission. Then rescinded,
after his barn was threatened. The whole dam world
is corrupt, and nuts.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!