There are those who can't work.
There are those who won't work.

It's popular to bust on certain ones who won't work,
not others.

Retirement is not a basic human right. There is no reason to not work because of
a calender, or the number of calendars you've seen.

If, you can't afford to not work, work.
Don't bitch to me about your fixed income.

Heck, I have seen many black and white welfare recipients working cash jobs.
Not defending their fraud. But they get a check, and then supplement it as they need.

I'm 49, have worked since I was 10.
I'm in a pension plan, have a 401, an IRA, and more available cash than most Americans.
Not wealthy, not a huge income.
My goal was retirement at 59.
Insurance issues probably will make that unlikly.
I can't justify dropping $150k buying insurance, younger wife,
so, I will work. Maybe, semi-retire, but I am a red blooded, blue collar American,
work is what we do.

(No slight intended to my friends north of the border)

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!