Yesterday I’m barreling down a deer infested side road on my way home from work when a white squirrel runs right in front of me. Wait a minute – squirrels aren’t white…… Brakes come on and all the crap in the back of the truck slams into the front.

Long story short, next thing you know I’m running around like a suicidal retard in the road in a double blind curve trying to grab a surprisingly agile dog that’s smaller than my GSP’s head. Turns out it’s maybe a 3-month old female Chihuahua.

I knock on a few doors and nobody knows squat, so I bring it home and this AM get up early and stick a bunch of “found dog” signs at the county dumpster site, mini marts, gas stations and stores around where I found it. Everyone tells me they’ll put the poster up, but it’s a dump job and nobody is going to call. Happens all the time.

I’m no fan of yap dogs, but my wife and daughters have already decreed if the owner doesn’t call, we’re keeping it.

Gawdamm azzholes is all I can say. I hope someone calls, but if not I hope whoever did it gets a Lone Star tick stuck on their nudzak and contracts a red meat allergy.