Coyote sightings and vocalizations have been becoming more and more common on the Eastern Shore of VA over the past few years. On three of our leases, we can reliabally hear them at sunset back in the thick stuff. My bud and myself have just about thrown everything at them over the last three years, but we can't get them to break thick cover for anything.

Where we hunt, we never seen any other predator hunters, so pressure is low. We have been fox hunting on the Shore for years, with much success. We are very mindful of our scent, camo, movement, wind direction
Ect. We use a FoxPro call with and without a decoy. I'm stumped, and we have no interest in shotgunning for them. How do you guys coax them out at night? When I lived in East Texas, seems that any rabbit distress, or kitten distress would have them running across whatever pasture or field that I was on. Any help, or tips are appreciated concerning these coastal coyotes.