RH forward assist is LH, too. Not that the thing is useful for much, but you can sure hit it with your LH thumb easily. Most of the time, you might as well have a slick side upper and not bother with forward assist. The one time I have used it is when quietly chambering a round.

The thing is that I have had varying success getting the bolt to go home over the round smoothly enough to be quiet, no matter how I do it. Either you get lucky or learn to tune the bolt. I have not completely learned yet!

I'm against side charging uppers as one of the benefits of the AR is that it can be a sealed system when carrying it around. This makes it extremely reliable.

'nother thing is I haven't decided if an ambi safety is the thing. Taking a RH safety off is about the same as the other to me. 45 degree ambi safeties with a short one of the off side seems best so far.

Building AR uppers is easier than lowers once you spend the $100 on tools.

Living in a world of G17s and 700s, wishing for P7s and 202s