I find that hard to believe what Twelve Ring is selling. I've wrecked more bolts planted in targets with my Excalibur crossbow than I care to count. I can't shoot at the same bullseye twice because the second bolt will land in the nock of the one in the target from 30 yds. Its actually a common problem with crossbow shooters that are foolish enough to shoot the same bull twice. Granted: They're always scoped and usually benched when they do it, but I guess, technically, that's the difference between accuracy and precision.

I've had 3 compounds in my life (currently have a Hoyt) and I've NEVER split an arrow with one. I'm not disputing what you read/heard Twelve Ring write/say. I dispute the accuracy of the statement.

“When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
- Socrates