Originally Posted by Biebs
Originally Posted by gunner500
Oh, BTW, I had Wife boil the bullet in a pot of water, for sanitary reasons only! laugh

I've heard of eating up to the bullet hole, but the bullet as well? :-)

LOL, Biebs, I have her 'cook' all my recovered bullets, makes em smell nicer piled up on a counter somewhere, plus, I learned moons ago NOT to grab a pot and do it myself, was rinsing out Sharps rifle brass in a brass or copper pot I pulled down from a hook in the kitchen, poor girl came in and saw what I was doing, dropped her purse, coat, stepped outta her shoes, rolled up her sleeves, got me another pot and feverishly washed and dried the one I was using.

Said that was her great grandmothers pot, I damn near gave the poor chicken a heart attack! grin

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